big_pic_5The environmental benefits of the House and the Complex

The Beautiful Israel House and its surrounding area are designed to awaken awareness and serve as a model for a lifestyle that considers and reduces our impact on the environment. Buildings are large consumers of resources and are responsible for high ongoing demand – for power, particularly electricity for air conditioning and lighting, water used for hygienic purposes, and the materials used for the building itself and its contents. The Beautiful Israel building has been renovated and undergone a green retrofit and now includes improvements that enhance its harmony with its environment:

Reduced energy consumption: energy-saving lighting thanks to LED lamps, optimally located, and combined with skylights in the ceiling to maximize natural light indoors.  

Air conditioning efficiency is achieved by innovative insulation of the ceiling and walls, and by installing energy-saving air conditioners with separate operating circuits, focusing on particular areas.

There is a solar farm on the roof that uses photovoltaic technology, which converts the sun's rays into electricity, while the garden uses solar lighting.

Re-use and recycling: use of recycled materials such as carpets made of 100% recycled plastic, and multi-purpose furniture items for offices and events.

Reduced water consumption: 90% reduction in water use in bathrooms, thanks to a special flushing mechanism, and collection of air conditioning runoff for watering the garden.

Protecting and encouraging biological diversity and nature in the city: the building is surrounded by a magnificent garden; in addition, the roof is also covered with vegetation. The garden is a place for relaxing in, with charming corners and breath-taking views, while the roof garden helps to reduce the temperature inside the building, thus reducing energy consumption for air conditioning.

The vegetation in the garden is especially suited to the Israeli climate – it is watered by rain in winter, and by drip irrigation and air conditioning runoff water in summer. The plants attract butterflies, bees and other flying insects, while the hidden crevices in trees and rocks attract small animals, creating a rich and varied ecological system. To avoid harming this natural harmony, the garden is fertilized with locally-made compost, and pest reduction is carried out in an biogical manner.